In 2014, The Animated Short film MR HUBLOT written, produced and directed by Laurent Witz based on Stephane Halleux's universe wins the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film.
A short film that I had the honor to Animate and Supervise the Animation for.
I started getting involved with this project in August 2010 when I stumbled onto an animation test of a strange character with a unique design who plays with a light switch in an empty white room. I LOVED it and decided that I Had to be part of this short film project which didn't even have a story yet.
The next day I contacted the director Laurent Witz to offer my help. 3 years later my participation in this project became a lot bigger than I initially planned and what started as a personal project (evening and weekend while working as an animator at ILM) that I was doing for the passion of the craft of animation carried us all the way to the Oscars. A beautiful dream.
Since then Laurent and I became really good friends and creative partners, and together we have since completed 2 more short film projects. The Horror Short Film QUENOTTES (Pearlies), winner of 34 Awards worldwide, directed by Pascal Thiebaux and produced by Laurent, and COGS, a promotional Animated Short Film for the non profit organization AIME which won 2 Bronze CLIO AWARDS for Best Direction and Film Animation.