QUENOTTES (Pearlies)

In 2010, feeling that I needed to get involved in something more personal and to fulfill my love for performance animation I decided to get involved with side projects outside of my everyday job animating at ILM in San Francisco.
Working on my free time, nights and weekends, while becoming the happy dad of 2 beautiful girls, I supervised the animation and animated on 3 award winning animated short films so far, including "Mr HUBLOT", Academy Award Winner 2014 for Best Animated Short Film.
Mr HUBLOT - 2013 - (12min) - written & directed by Laurent Witz
OSCAR 2014 for Best Animated Short Film
"Mr Hublot" is a short animated movie from the universe of sculptor extraordinaire Stephane Halleux.
QUENOTTES (Pearlies) - 2016 - (12min) - written & directed by Pascal Thiebault
In addition to supervise and animate, I also co-produced this horror short film which was selected in over 86 festivals world wide and won 38 Prizes, including the Silver MELIES for Best European Horror Short Film, and Best Short Film at the renown french Fantastic Film Festival of Gerardmer.
"Quenottes" is a twisted take on the french Tooth Fairy.
COGS - 2017 - (2min) - directed by Laurent Witz
Promotional Short for the non-profit organization AIME mentoring program. A beautiful short for a beautiful cause.
Multi award winner in Advertisement, including 2 Bronze CLIO Awards for Best Animation and Best Direction